Apply for a secondary school

Starting secondary school for the first time in September.


Find out what to do on National Offer Day.

Year 7 secondary school applications for autumn 2025 start have officially closed. However, any late applications submitted will be processed after National Offer Day.


Before you apply  |  Use the portal to apply  |  Changing my application

For those applying for a secondary school place where their child has turned 11 by 1 September 2025
(born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014).

Key dates Key steps
From 1 September until 31 October 1. Read the guidance below and Apply online
National closing date for applications: 31 October 2. Submit your application online before the national closing date
  3. We will email you confirming your application has been submitted to Leicestershire School Admissions Team. If you don't receive an acknowledgment check any junk email folders, otherwise re-submit your application.
  4. We will email you to confirm we have downloaded your application for processing
  5. No further information will be sent to you until decision day (National offer day)
National offer day: 1 March or the closest next working day (if 1 March falls on a non-working day) 6. We will email you on national offer day, inviting you to log onto the portal to receive a letter confirming which school your child has been allocated

How do I apply

You may want to read our helpful Your Guide to education which includes everything you need to know to apply for a school place.

What you need to know before applying

If you’re applying for more than one child you need to complete a separate application for each child.

You should only include additional information if it is relevant to the school's admission criteria.

If more than one parent has legal responsibility for your child, both parents must be in agreement over the school(s) requested.

Applications should be submitted online

We expect all applications to be submitted online. If you’re finding this hard, please ask a relative or friend to help you (your local school may also be able to help).

If you need access to a computer or scanner, you can book a library computer.

If you’re not already a member you’ll need to join the library which you can do online or by visiting the library.

Find a library

Closing date for school applications

Apply before the national closing date (see key dates above). All on time applications will be dealt with equally (not on a first come first serve basis) and assessed against the school admissions criteria.

Late applications

Any applications received after the closing date (see key dates above) will be considered late applications, and will be processed after those received during the applications window.

Selecting which schools to apply for

Make sure to select up to 5 school preferences. We recommend you apply for at least 3, including one in your catchment area, to give yourself the best chance of securing a place for your child at a local school – only submit your application once you’re happy with the order of your school preferences.

You can view nearest schools along with catchment maps for local authority maintained schools in our find a school search. For academy school catchments, please visit the school website.

Look at the websites for each school that you're interested in applying to and read each school's admissions policy and criteria (these vary from school to school).

Find a school

School place offer conditions

There's no guarantee that we can offer you a place at any of the schools you select, particularly if you've selected schools that are highly oversubscribed and/or not in your catchment area.

If we're not able to offer you a place at one of your preferences, we'll offer you a place at the next nearest Leicestershire school to your home address that has a space.

If you would like detailed information on the offer conditions, please read our school policies

Applying for a school place in another local authority area

You must apply to the council where you live and pay your council tax, even if the school that you want to apply for is in another local authority.

If you're not sure use the Find your local council search (GOV.UK)

Information you'll be asked for during the application (if applicable)

You'll need to upload a copy (this can be scanned, pdf, Word or image format) of:

  • a valid, fully signed tenancy agreement (confirming address, period of tenancy, names of tenants and signatures of tenant and landlord/letting agent) or
  • your solicitor's letter confirming when completion of purchase of your new property took place, and
  • your most recent council tax bill, or evidence you have vacated your previous address.

Apply using your parent portal account

You'll need to set up a portal account, if you don't already have one. Either way follow our step by step guide to apply:

See our Parent Portal guidance to apply

Changing my application after I have submitted it

  1. Please use the school admissions contact form to request any changes to your application.
  2. Making changes before the deadline will be treated as an on-time application
  3. Making changes after the deadline will be treated as a new application that is late 

School transport

If transport is an important consideration to you in deciding which school your child should go to, see our information on School transport when applying for a school place.

What happens next

Find out what happens next after you have applied.

Decision day and what to do next


Applicant will receive an email advising what school has been allocated.

Refused your preference

If you haven’t been given one of the schools that you selected in your application, we will auto allocate you a place at the next nearest school that has space.

Refused all your preferences

If you have been refused any of your preferences you will automatically go on a waiting list for the schools, and you will also have the right to appeal the decision. Waiting lists remain in place until 31 December after the start of the autumn term, in case spaces become available.

Contacting us

You do not need to contact us if you are happy with the school place you have been allocated 

Don't need a school place

If you don't need the school place you've been allocated, please use the refusing a school place section of our school admissions contact form to let us know.

Not happy with the school allocated

If you're not happy with the school allocated, please keep hold of this place until you have an outcome from the appeal, as this could leave your child without a school place in September.

Not what you're looking for? see

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